Academic/Professional Honesty and Integrity

Academic/professional honesty and integrity are expected of all students throughout their course of study at Midwestern University. Any violation of the Code of Rights and Responsibilities of Students of Midwestern University (see Appendix Two) is considered to be a serious academic/professional violation and may result in a reprimand, monetary fine, written warning, filing of a Student Incident Report or a Formal Written Complaint, academic and/or disciplinary warning/probation, suspension, dismissal or other penalty deemed appropriate by the student's respective Academic Dean (see Appendix One, Section Five for a listing of possible sanctions). Academic/professional misconduct constitutes a breach of academic/professional integrity that violates the academic/professional foundation of the University, contaminates the honesty of its scholarship, and compromises the integrity and wellbeing of its educational programs. The policies on students’ academic and professional responsibilities are included in Appendices 1 through 4.