Audiorecording/Photorecording/Videorecording/Digital Recording

Audiorecording(audiotaping), photorecording, videorecording (videotaping) and/or digital recording in any format, including cell phones, of lectures, lecture material, class discussions, laboratories, laboratory material, clinical settings, especially surgery and patient encounters, is prohibited without the written permission of the instructor(s), preceptor(s), faculty, or administrative personnel. All requests for such recordings (tapings) must be submitted to the instructor(s) or faculty member(s) in writing prior to the lecture, laboratory, class discussion or clinical experience. If approved, the student must be present while recording (taping), unless there are previously approved extenuating circumstances. All such recordings (tapings) are for the exclusive use of the student who has been given permission to record (tape) and cannot be distributed to other students without the written permission of the instructor. Distribution of recorded (taped) lectures or lecture materials in any format or venue without written permission will result in disciplinary action. In any event, no recording may be shared or distributed outside of the University without the written permission of the President.

Audiorecording (audiotaping), photorecording, videorecording (videotaping) and/or digital recording in any format of meetings with instructors, faculty and/or administrators is prohibited without the written permission of the instructor(s), faculty member(s) or administrators.Unauthorized recordings (tapings) are unprofessional and will result in disciplinary action under the Midwestern University Student Code of Rights and Responsibilities. In Downers Grove, students may also face prosecution under the State of Illinois Eavesdropping Laws.