Immunizations, Titers, Tuberculosis and Other Related Requirements

To complete the matriculation process, all students must submit (upload to their portal) completed medical files documenting completion of a physical exam (Student Health Status Form), immunizations (vaccines and/or titer results), flu shots, and tuberculosis screening (skin test or blood titer). Specifically, all students must submit (upload to their portal) documented laboratory proof of the absence of tuberculosis and proof of immunizations against Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Varicella (chicken pox), Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) and Hepatitis B (note: Veterinary Medicine students do not need proof of immunity against Hepatitis B, but are required to show documented laboratory proof of rabies vaccinations or appropriate blood titer levels for rabies antibodies prior to matriculation. In addition, all students must prove the efficacy of their immunizations through blood titers if they do not have a record of vaccinations or if a particular college/program or clinical site requires blood titers which measures the level of circulating antibodies associated with these various diseases. All students must check with their individual college/program for specifics on whether blood titers or other immunization data is required for their clinical rotations. Again, depending on the college/program, students may also be required to submit to a drug screen. Lastly, all students must inform their college/program if they have a communicable disease as it may directly impact patient contact and classroom/laboratory attendance.

While enrolled, all students must update their Tetanus/Diphtheria/Pertussis (Tdap) if it expires (good for 10 years) and proof of the absence of tuberculosis (required yearly for some programs) and must receive an annual seasonal influenza vaccination. Other vaccinations may be required based on rotation site needs or other circumstances, such as pandemics.

Cost for these requirements must be paid by the student but many insurance plans cover these costs. Any reimbursement from an insurance plan is a matter between the student and their insurance carrier. Immunization clinics for some vaccinations/inoculations may be provided on both campuses to assist students with their compliance requirements. Information on immunizations, titers, and immunization clinics is provided through the Office of Student Services and/or the Midwestern University Multispecialty Clinic.

Waiver of a University Immunization Requirement

A student can request a waiver for a University immunization requirement for documented medical or religious reasons from their respective Academic Dean/Program Director.Immunization requirements are established by affiliated clinical rotation sites as well as Midwestern University. A student submitting a waiver should be aware that failure to satisfy immunization requirements may compromise their ability to participate at certain clinical rotations sites. Moreover, procurement of alternate clinical experiences and/or clinical rotation sites that do not require immunizations may not always be possible. A waived immunization requirement may result in slowing a student’s progression through their academic program due to the lack of available training sites. Unavoidable leaves of absence may delay the waived student’s anticipated graduation date. In some programs, the student may be unable to complete their respective clinical program and not graduate.

If a student’s clinical training is at a Midwestern University clinic, the student with an approved immunization waiver will be required to follow the patient contact restrictions stipulated by the University Office of Risk Management and the health professional degree program.

Record Access

Students are required to keep a copy of all health information turned into the University. A student who wishes to inspect their original health and/or immunization file can do so through their online Student Portal.