
Mailboxes for students living in campus residences on the Downers Grove Campus are located in The Commons Lower Level and are assigned by the Supervisor of the Mailroom. Students are responsible for their mailbox key. The cost to replace a lost key is $35.

When students become involved with clinical rotations, other professional training assignments, graduate, or leave the Downers Grove Campus for an extended period (e.g., summer vacation), they are required to complete a forwarding address form and return it to the Mailroom Supervisor; as the University will not be responsible for forwarding mail.

The MWU student mailboxes cannot be used for the purpose of solicitation by or for outside businesses, associations, or vendors. All students and student groups who wish to distribute information to the student population via the student mailboxes must have prior approval of the Office of Student Services.Mailboxes are not provided for students on the Glendale Campus, other than through the U.S. Postal Service for those students living in On-Campus Student Housing.