Name Change

The University recognizes that permitting students to use a preferred name—the name a student wishes to be known by the University community—contributes to a diverse and inclusive environment. The University also recognizes, however, that certain circumstances require the use of a legal name for compliance purposes and to facilitate the student progressing academically and eventually obtaining employment as a licensed professional. Although these are not necessarily competing objectives, the University has created this policy to acknowledge them while striving to reduce unnecessary inconveniences.

A Preferred Name is a name a student wishes to be known by within the University community that is different than the student’s legal name. The reasons for why a student may use a Preferred Name as opposed to a legal name are personal and unique to each student. Those reasons may include preferring to use a nickname or middle name instead of a legal name; choosing a name that aligns with a student’s gender identity; or wanting a preemptive name change while in the process of legal divorce proceedings. Whatever the reasons, this policy allows any student to select a Preferred Name.

  1. Legal Name Changes
    When a student has legally changed their name, the student should immediately present the appropriate supporting documentation to the University’s Registrar. The University will immediately adjust its records to reflect the name change. In regards to the legal usage of names, the University adjusts its records appropriately if a student legally changes their name. All permanent records that require a legal name are changed to conform to the student’s new legal name. A legal name change of this kind can be made by completing the appropriate form authorizing the University to make the change. This can be initiated through the Student Portal (see section on how to make a name change below).
  2. Preferred Name Change
    1. Option One - Desire to Generally Use a Preferred Name
      A student may request the use of a Preferred Name, which will result in the Preferred Name being associated with the student’s University-issued email address and otherwise appearing on University-issued identification badges, class lists, public directories, rosters, Canvas, Microsoft Teams, WebEx, and other places the University may designate. At all times, the student’s legal name will remain the default name in the University’s system and therefore may be discoverable by others. A Preferred Name change of this kind can be made by completing the appropriate form authorizing the University to make the change. This can be initiated through the Student Portal (see section on how to make a name change below).
    2. Option Two - Desire to Use Preferred Name as the Default
      The University understands that some circumstances require changes that are more comprehensive and that prioritize keeping the legal name private. In those situations, the student may request that the University designate the Preferred Name as the default name in the University’s system by completing the appropriate form authorizing the University to make such a change. Once approved and implemented, the student’s legal name will be used only in connection with University business purposes and other processes that require use of a legal name, including:
      • Academic Certifications
      • Diplomas
      • Criminal Background Checks
      • Department of Public Safety
      • Employment Records
      • Federal Requests for Information
      • Federation of State Medical Boards
      • Financial Aid
      • Immigration/SEVIS Forms
      • Information to state licensing agencies and national board certification agencies
      • Information to governmental agencies or as required in connection with legal processes
      • Information for national matching programs for post-graduate residency programs
      • Information for professional association memberships
      • Information for internships
      • National Student Clearinghouse
      • Onboarding for external and international rotations (e.g., health insurance documentation, health records, training certificates)
      • Security
      • Student Financial Services documentation
      • Transcripts

The University does not advise the 3rd option unless a compelling reason exists. Because this list is not exhaustive and other circumstances may exist that require the University to use the student’s legal name for legal purposes and/or to facilitate progression through their program and eventual licensure, the University may use the student’s legal name for those other purposes. To the extent the University uses the student’s Preferred Name where their legal name should have been used, the University will work to remedy the situation with the student’s cooperation. A Preferred Name change as the default name can be made by completing the appropriate form authorizing the University to make the change. This can be initiated through the Student Portal (see section on how to make a name change below).


Regardless of the circumstances or reasons for using it, a student’s Preferred Name must reflect good judgement and must not cause a violation of the University’s standards of professionalism. For example, a student must not use a preferred name with an intent to impersonate someone else, to deceive, or to defraud; and preferred names cannot be a form of hate speech or inappropriate language. The University reserves the right to not accept or remove a preferred name if it contains inappropriate, vulgar, discriminatory, or offensive language, creates confusion with another person or brand, constitutes a trademark law infringement, or if it otherwise violates the University’s policies. Generally using a preferred name may appear anywhere in the University’s system; however, there is no guarantee it will appear everywhere. Designating a Preferred Name as a default is highly restrictive and could impact academic and non-academic processes.

All preferred name changes must be approved by the Dean of Students. If approved, an ID badge depicting the preferred name will be printed. If the badge is printed prior to matriculation, as the student’s initial badge, no charge will be incurred for the printing of the ID badge. However, if the approved Name Change badge needs to be printed after an initial ID badge has been provided, the student will be charged $25 for the replacement badge. The ID badge with the Preferred Name will provide access into buildings and will be able to store money as any student ID badge. The University disclaims any representation that the ID badge is or will be acceptable for any purposes outside of the University.


All name changes discussed above can be submitted through the student’s portal under the My Info tab, then by clicking on My Records and lastly by clicking on Name Change Request. The cost of a replacement ID badge depicting the Preferred Name can also be paid through these same links. Once notified that the ID badge has been printed, it can be obtained from the Campus Safety and Security Office. Since students may update their preferred names at any time throughout the year, University information systems will be refreshed on a regular basis. Appropriate system fields, forms, reports, and processes that collect and/or use student information will be updated to allow the use of Preferred Names whenever possible.