Extracurricular Activities

Students or student organizations wishing to host events involving extracurricular activities (speakers, mini-courses, drug fairs, noncredit courses, etc.) must have the approval of the Dean of Students and/or the Dean of the respective college initiating the event. At least 30 calendar days prior to the activity, the students or student organization must submit a request, which should include: (1) name and official title of the speaker; (2) affiliation of the speaker or the name of the organization that the speaker is representing; (3) a copy of the presentation, or at a minimum, a list of the goals and objectives of the presentation; (4) a proposed budget for the event; (5) copies of any contracts with the speaker or other vendors needed for the event. Allspecial event requests must be fully approved by the official faculty advisor of the student organization, the Dean of Students and/or the Dean of the respective college.

Once a request has received full approval, a representative of the Office of Student Services will assist the student group to facilitate the event occurring. If the event includes members of the non-MWU community, then the Student Services representative will submit the request to University Administration for approval through the Special Event Request form.

On the day of the event, the faculty advisor of the student organization or their faculty designee must be present for the duration of the event.