Information Technology Services

Acceptable Use Policy

The Information Technology Services department is responsible for all administrative and academic computer support at the University. MWU supports an environment of learning and sharing of information through the acquisition and maintenance of computers, computer systems, networks, and associated computing resources and infrastructure. University computing resources are intended to support the University's missions, administrative operations and activities, student and campus life activities, and the free exchange of ideas and information between the University and the greater community in which it operates locally, nationally, and internationally. Information Technology Services is responsible for:

  1. providing administrative microcomputer hardware and software support and consulting for faculty and staff.
  2. providing administrative support for the University’s computer system known as CARS. This system provides the computer-based processing necessary for Admissions, Registration, Financial Aid, General Ledger, Business Office, and other major administrative processes at the University.
  3. providing technical hardware and software computer support for the University Library staff and patrons.
  4. designing, implementing and providing technical support and administration for the University Computer Network on site and any affiliation attached to our network.
  5. assisting faculty in the delivery of computer-based instruction in the classroom.
  6. providing training for faculty, staff, and students in the use of computer technology at the University.
  7. providing technical support for access and use of the Internet at the University.

Campus buildings have access to the University Network. Current network services include electronic mail, internet access, shared disk space, shared printing, and access to the CARS administrative system.

Misuse of computer facilities, services, and equipment is a violation of Midwestern University rules and regulations, and students who are found to have misused the system will be subject to disciplinary action, including fines, suspension, probation, restitution of funds, and/or expulsion, and may be in violation of Illinois or Arizona laws. Examples of such misuse include but are not limited to: unauthorized use of facilities, services, equipment, account numbers, or files; damage to facilities and equipment; engaging in potential violations, misappropriations, or infringement of intellectual property rights, altering or destruction of programs, files, or accounts; and any other similar activities.

This policy defines the boundaries of acceptable use of MWU computing and communication resources, including computers, networks, electronic mail services, electronic information sources, voice mail, telephone services, social media and other communication resources. In addition, this policy reflects the goal of MWU to foster academic freedom while respecting the principles of freedom of speech and the privacy rights of MWU administration, students, faculty, staff, and guests.

MWU’s computing and communication resources are the property of MWU. They are to be used for the advancement of MWU’s educational, research, service, community outreach, administrative, and business purposes. Computing and communication resources are provided for the use of faculty, staff, currently admitted or enrolled students, and other properly authorized users. When a user’s affiliation with MWU ends, MWU will terminate access to computing and communications resources and accounts. MWU may, at its discretion, permit the user to have the access to accounts and e-mail forwarded or redirected for a limited period.

Users of MWU’s computing and communications resources are required to comply with this policy, other applicable MWU policies and state and federal laws. When necessary, enforcement will be consistent with other MWU policies and procedures.

Requirements and Prohibited Uses

Requirements for the Use of MWU Computing and Communications Resources

  1. Users must comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws and regulations, and with MWU policies.
  2. Users must respect academic freedom and free speech rights.
  3. Users must be truthful and accurate in personal and computer identification.
  4. Users must respect the rights and privacy of others, including intellectual property and personal property rights.
  5. Users must not compromise the integrity of electronic networks, must avoid restricted areas, and must refrain from activities that may damage the network, or transmitted or stored data.
  6. Users must maintain the security of accounts and are advised to protect and regularly change their account passwords. Individuals responsible for system administration are required to regularly change passwords to protect information and maintain security.

Prohibited Uses of MWU Computing and Communications Resources

  1. Unlawful communications, including threats of violence, obscenity, pornography, child pornography, and harassing communications, are prohibited. All violations of this nature will result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
  2. Use of MWU computer resources for private business or commercial activities, fund-raising or advertising on behalf of non-MWU organizations is prohibited.
  3. The unauthorized reselling of MWU computer resources is prohibited.
  4. Unauthorized use of university trademarks or logos and other protected trademarks and logos is prohibited.
  5. Misrepresenting or forging the identity of the sender or the source of an electronic communication is prohibited.
  6. Unauthorized attempts to acquire and use of passwords of others are prohibited.
  7. Unauthorized use and attempts to use the computer accounts of others are prohibited.
  8. Altering the content of a message originating from another person or computer with the intent to deceive is prohibited.
  9. Unauthorized modification of or deletion of another person’s files, account, or news group postings is prohibited.
  10. Use of MWU computer resources or electronic information without authorization or beyond one’s level of authorization is prohibited.
  11. Interception or attempted interception of communications by parties not authorized or intended to receive them is prohibited.
  12. Intentionally or recklessly compromising the privacy or security of electronic information is prohibited.
  13. Infringing upon the copyright, trademark, patent, or other intellectual property rights of others in computer programs or electronic information (including plagiarism and unauthorized use or reproduction) is prohibited. The unauthorized storing, sharing, copying or use of audio and music files, images, graphics, computer software, data sets, bibliographic records and other protected property is prohibited except as permitted by law. MWU may provide certain personally identifiable information about a network user to third parties in response to a lawfully issued subpoena or otherwise required by law.
  14. Interference with or disruption of the computer or network accounts, services, or equipment of others is prohibited. The intentional propagation of computer “worms” and “viruses,” the sending of electronic chain mail, and inappropriate “broadcasting” of messages to large numbers of individuals or hosts are prohibited.
  15. Failure to comply with requests from appropriate MWU officials to discontinue activities that threaten the operation or integrity of computers, systems or networks, or otherwise violate this policy is prohibited.
  16. Revealing passwords or otherwise permitting the use by others (by intent or negligence) of personal accounts for computer and network access without authorization is prohibited.
  17. Altering or attempting to alter files or systems without authorization is prohibited.
  18. Unauthorized scanning of networks for security vulnerabilities is prohibited.
  19. Attempting to alter any MWU computing or networking components (including, but not limited to, bridges, routers, and hubs) without approval or beyond one’s level of authorization is prohibited.
  20. Wiring, including attempts to create network connections, or any extension or retransmission of any computer or network services unless approved by an authorized network administrator is prohibited.
  21. Negligent or intentional conduct leading to disruption of electronic networks or information systems is prohibited.
  22. Negligent or intentional conduct leading to the damage of MWU electronic information, computing/networking equipment, and resources is prohibited.
  23. Making of a sub-network within the MWU network is prohibited whether it is a wired or wireless connection, without prior approval from the COO and Director of Computer Services.
  24. All use of wireless access points and devices must comply with applicable laws, regulations, and University policies including FCC regulations and the university's policies.
  25. Wireless network access deployment and operation should be consistent with the strategies, directions, and initiatives of the University Information Technology Services strategic plan.
  26. Deployment and use of wireless network access points connected to University infrastructure services must be approved, registered, and configured by the department of Information Technology Services. Unauthorized connection via wired or wireless networking is prohibited.
  27. All personal computers used by students in on-campus housing or used in public access points provided in the computer labs, common areas or library must have current anti-virus software and have the computer registered with computer services. Anti-virus software must be maintained for the entire time the computer is used on campus. Information Technology Services will provide free of charge anti-virus software to any student requesting it. All on campus housing computers are required to use the anti-virus software provided by computer services.
  28. If it is found that through negligence a virus is introduced to our network, user access will be terminated and a service fee of $25.00 will be charged for reconnection.
  29. If the user’s connection is terminated for violating any of the above policies a $25.00 service fee will be charged for reconnection. All infringements need to be corrected and verified by Information Technology Services before internet service is re-connected.
  30. Repeated violations of policy can result in permanent disconnection from the Midwestern network.

Electronic Mail and Electronic Communications

Conditions for Restriction of Access to Electronic Mail

Access to MWU email is a privilege that may be wholly or partially restricted without prior notice and without consent of the user:

  1. if required by applicable law or policy;
  2. if a reasonable suspicion exists that there has been or may be a violation of law, regulation, or policy;

  3. if required to protect the integrity or operation of the email system or computing resources or when the resources are required for more critical tasks as determined by appropriate management authority.

Access to the email system may require approval of the appropriate MWU supervisory or management authority (e.g., department head, dean, etc.).

Conditions for Permitting Inspection, Monitoring, or Disclosure

MWU may permit the inspection, monitoring, or disclosure of email, computer files, and network transmissions when:

  1. required or permitted by law, including public records law, or by subpoena or court order,
  2. MWU or its designated agent reasonably believes that a violation of law or policy has occurred, or
  3. necessary to monitor and preserve the functioning and integrity of the e-mail system or related computer systems or facilities.

All computer users agree to cooperate and comply with MWU requests for access to and copies of email messages or data when access or disclosure is authorized by this policy or required or allowed by law or other applicable policies.

MWU Responsibility to Inform of Unauthorized Access or Disclosure

If MWU believes unauthorized access to or disclosure of information has occurred or will occur, MWU will make reasonable efforts to inform the affected computer account holder, except when notification is impractical or when notification would be detrimental to an investigation of a violation of law or policy.

Prohibition against Activities Placing Strain on Facilities

Activities that may strain the email or network facilities more than can be reasonably expected are in violation of this policy. These activities include but are not limited to sending chain letters; “spam,” or the widespread dissemination of unsolicited email; and “letter bombs” to resend the same email repeatedly to one or more recipients. This shall also include streaming audio/video, as well as file sharing between local or internet-based computers.


Confidentiality of email and other network transmissions cannot be assured. Therefore, all users should exercise caution when sending personal, financial, confidential, or sensitive information by email or over the network.

Additionally, MWU may disclose aggregate, non-personally identifiable information regarding MWU network users from time to time.

Privacy and Security

Routine Logging and Monitoring

Certain central service and network activities from workstations connected to the network are routinely logged and monitored. These activities include:

  1. use of passwords and accounts accessed.
  2. time and duration of network activity.
  3. access to Webpages.
  4. access to network software.
  5. volume of data storage and transfers.
  6. server space used for email.

Detailed Session Logging

In cases of suspected violations of MWU policies, especially unauthorized access to computing systems, the system administrator, with permission of the Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer, may authorize detailed session logging. This may involve a complete keystroke log of an entire session. In addition, the system administrator of the facility concerned may authorize limited searching of user files to gather evidence on a suspected violation.

Right to Examine Computers and Equipment

MWU-owned computers and equipment may be examined to detect illegal software and to evaluate the security of the network.

Violations and Enforcement

Reporting Violations

Any actual or suspected violation of the rules listed above should be brought to the Director of Information Technology Services. In the case of a serious violation, a report may be made to the Executive Vice President/COO.

MWU Response to a Reported Violation

Upon receiving notice of a violation, MWU may temporarily suspend a user’s privileges or move or delete the allegedly offending material pending further proceedings.

A person accused of a violation will be notified of the charge and have an opportunity to respond before MWU imposes a permanent action. Appropriate disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment or academic suspension or expulsion from MWU, will be taken when necessary. In cases where violations of state or federal law are suspected, a user may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement authorities.

In addition to sanctions available under applicable law and MWU policies, MWU may impose a temporary or permanent reduction or elimination of access privileges to computing and communication accounts, networks, MWU-administered computer rooms, and other services or facilities.

If MWU believes it necessary to preserve the integrity of facilities, user services, or data, it may temporarily suspend any account, whether or not the account user is suspected of any violation. MWU will provide appropriate notice to the account user. Servers and computers that threaten the security of University systems will be removed from the network and allowed to reconnect only with the approval of network administration.