Intellectual Property Rights and File Sharing Regarding Course Materials

All course materials prepared by the faculty and staff of Midwestern University, including, but not limited to the organization of materials and information, lecture(s), laboratory and workshop notes, study guides, PowerPoint presentations, and audio/videotapes, are the intellectual property of the preparer and Midwestern University. Course materials are subject to copyright protection under applicable law. Individuals are prohibited from reproducing or sharing any course materials, either wholly or in part, without the written permission of the course director and the individual instructor.

Recording or transmitting of lectures, review sessions, workshops, and laboratory sessions by any means, including but not limited to laptops, tablets, video recorders, audio recorders, digital recorders, phones, or other devices, is prohibited unless prior written permission has been obtained from the instructor. If permitted, the recordings are for sole use of the individual student who has permission. Sharing and/or distribution of the recordings is prohibited.

Capture of images, including but not limited to images used in lecture, lab, workshop, review sessions, or PowerPoint presentations, by any means (including but not limited to video capture applications used to download content from MWU content servers, videotape, digital camera, phone camera, screen sharing, video conferencing etc.) is strictly prohibited. Transmission, reproduction, transfer, or possession of such images will result in disciplinary action.

Students are responsible for reading and understanding any additional restrictions placed on the use of materials that are listed in course syllabi.