
The Downers Grove Campus is currently developing a procedure for locker use in Science Hall. CPDG students may request a locker in Alumni Hall at the time of orientation. CHS students may request a locker in Alumni Hall from their specific program. CCO students are assigned lockers at the beginning of the academic year. At the end of the academic year, locks will be forcibly removed, and the contents discarded. Once a new policy and procedure is finalized for all programs, the Student Handbook will be updated.

Glendale Campus lockers are available in Sahuaro Hall, Cholla Hall, Agave Hall, Glendale Hall, Cactus Wren Hall and Ocotillo Hall. Locker selections are available online through your student portal. From the Student Services tab, click on Locker Selection under General Information.Please contact Student Services if you have any questions concerning lockers.

In Glendale, locks are recommended however, locks must be removed at the end of the locker assignment (i.e., prior to clinical rotations). If locks are not removed in a timely manner (within one week after the conclusion of the locker assignment period), the student(s) assigned to the locker(s) will receive a written notice with a compliance date from the Office of Student Services. Failure to remove the lock by the date indicated in the notice from the Office of Student Services will necessitate the forcible removal of locks by Campus Security.

Midwestern University assumes neither liability nor responsibility for personal property lost or stolen from student lockers.