Marijuana, Medical and Recreational Use

Medical Marijuana is permitted in both the State of Arizona and State of Illinois. While state laws permit the use of medical and recreational marijuana, federal laws prohibit marijuana use, its possession, and/or its cultivation at educational and clinical institutions that receive federal funding. The use, possession, or cultivation of marijuana is therefore not allowed in or on the premises of any Midwestern University property, including student housing; nor is it allowed at any affiliated clinical sites or University sponsored event or activity.

All students sign a Drug-Free Workplace Certification Document prior to matriculation attesting their willingness to abide by the Midwestern University Drug-Free Workplace and Substance Abuse policy. Multiple states including Arizona and Illinois allow recreational marijuana use.Although students may participate in clinical rotations in those states, regardless of state law, Midwestern University and its affiliated clinical rotation sites prohibit students from the use of drugs, including marijuana, which are illegal under the federal Controlled Substances Act (CSA) of 1970. Students testing positive for marijuana use will be subject to University disciplinary procedures irrespective of the state in which the marijuana was used and will be suspended from clinical rotations until the student tests negative for marijuana on a drug screen.