
By definition, a lockdown involves the confining of persons to a secure location following a public announcement, typically through the mass notification system, in response to a violent disturbance or threat of imminent danger. Please note: experts advise to Run, Hide, and Fight if necessary, given the circumstances. The following information pertains to a Lockdown scenario in which the option is to shelter in place should it be unwise to run or fight.

All faculty and staff are informed on how to identify the closest lockable internal room that has no windows. There may be circumstances where lecture halls or laboratories are the closest and most accessible lockable room.

Lockdown drills are necessary and must be followed as though an actual lockdown is occurring.

The University community will be notified of a lockdown situation via the emergency notification system. Immediate responses to a lockdown notification in which the option is to shelter in place are as follows:

  1. 911 should be called first, followed by campus Security and personal phones need to be muted.
  2. Obey a faculty or staff member in terms of being directed to a lockable room or leaving the premises.
  3. If you are in a classroom, quickly check the corridors for any recognizable person and direct them into the room with you.
  4. Most classrooms, offices, and conference room doors will automatically lock during a lockdown. However, if you are in a classroom, office, or conference room that has a lockable door handle, press the thumb bolt lock into the locked position.
  5. Turn off the lights.
  6. Go to the furthest corner of the room away from the door (and windows if present) and remain silent.
  7. Do not open the door for any reason until the local authorities grant an “all clear” or unlock the door with a key.
  8. Do not leave the room if you hear a fire alarm. Wait for the alarm to be verified by the emergency notification system.
  9. Remain in lockdown until local authorities grant an “all clear.”

If you are unable to make it quickly enough to a lockable room, find cover as best as possible. Individuals should be aware of their surroundings and must use discretion in an emergency situation.