Missing Student Policy

Midwestern University recognizes its responsibility to its students, particularly those students residing on campus, and, in compliance with the Missing Student Notification Policy and Procedures 20 USC 1092 C; (Section 488 of the Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008) has formalized a Missing Student policy and procedure. It is required that all students complete the 'Emergency Notification' form that is accessible through the online.midwestern.edu website. The student must enter the name of a person or persons whom they would wish to have contacted if there is a concern that they are missing. The contact will be made no later than 24 hours after a student is determined to be missing. Emergency contact information is confidential, is password protected and is accessible only by qualified individuals. If the student is under the age of 18, and is not emancipated, a parent or custodial guardian will be notified that the student is missing, even if the student has not listed their parent/custodial guardian as their contact. Midwestern University will also notify the local police department and any other appropriate law enforcement agency no later than 24 hours after the student is determined to be missing.

Process for campus-based students:

Campus-based students are those students whose activities are primarily based on campus.

A missing student is any student who:

  1. is reported to have an unexplained absence from a mandatory class activity or examination. Course directors are required to notify the Office of Student Services and the appropriate Academic Dean immediately if a student is absent from a mandatory activity and has not contacted the course director with a reason for the absence. Course directors must notify Student Services of any student absence from a mandatory class/rotation/event, regardless of whether or not the student is living in student housing.
  2. is reported to have a prolonged unexplained absence from campus, either from academic activities or from student housing. Resident Assistants and fellow students should direct their concerns to the Manager of Campus Housing, who will contact the Office of Student Services.
  3. has been reported to have been the victim of possible criminal activity.

Procedure when a student is reported missing from campus, but not a victim of possible criminal activity:

When the Office of Student Services receives a notice that a student is missing, the following procedure will be followed:

  1. The student's registered telephone number will be obtained from the CARS system and the student will be called. The student will also be sent a text message and email via University student email. If there is no response, the Office of Student Services will proceed to Step 2. The Office of Student Services will continue to call, text and email the student while the procedures outlined below are conducted.
  2. It will be determined if the student lives in campus housing. If the student lives in housing, the following process will be followed:
    1. The Office of Safety and Security (Security) will be contacted.
    2. The Manager of Campus Housing, Dean of Students or other representative of the Office of Student Services, in company with a member of the Office of Safety and Security, will proceed to the student's on-campus housing unit to determine if the student is present. If the student fails to respond after the University representatives have identified themselves and have knocked on the door three times, the door will be opened with a master key to determine whether the student is present in the unit.
    3. The Office of Campus Safety and Security will make a copy of the ID photo of the student available to Security.
    4. Security will search campus locations to find the student. These locations may include the library, classrooms, student center and gymnasium. Security will use student vehicular registration to determine whether the student's car is parked on campus.
    5. Academic Departments will be contacted to determine if the student has been attending class. The Office of the Academic Dean of the college in which the student is enrolled will be notified that the student is missing.
    6. Building access logs will be examined to determine when the student last used their ID card to access campus grounds and to enter campus buildings.
    7. Information Technology Services may be asked to provide records documenting student use of the University network server and student email program.
    8. If the student is not found after implementing the procedures outlined above, the individual listed on the Emergency Contact form will be contacted. The student’s College Administration will also be contacted.
  3. If the Student does not live on campus, the following procedure will be followed:
    1. The Office of Safety and Security will be contacted.
    2. The Office of Campus Safety and Security will make a copy of the ID photo of the student available to Security.
    3. Security will search campus locations to find the student. These locations may include the library, classrooms, student center and gymnasium. Security will use student vehicular registration to determine whether the student's car is parked on campus.
    4. Academic Departments will be contacted to determine if the student has been attending class. The Office of the Academic Dean of the college in which the student is enrolled will be notified that the student is missing.
    5. Building access logs will be examined to determine when the student last used their ID card to access campus grounds and to enter campus buildings.
    6. Information Technology Services may be asked to provide records documenting student use of the University network server and student email program.
    7. If the student is not found after implementing the procedures outlined above, the individual listed on the Emergency Contact form will be contacted. The student’s College Administration will also be contacted.
  4. If the location of the student has not been determined after a 24-hour period, the University will notify local police authorities for a Welfare Check. If extenuating circumstances come to light during the investigation that raise issues of concern, local authorities may be brought before 24-hours have elapsed. The student’s University Administration will also be notified.

Process for Students on rotations:

A student on rotation is any student whose primary activities are conducted at an off-campus site.


A missing student is any student who:

  1. is reported to have an unexplained absence from a rotation or other clinically based activity. Preceptors are required to notify the appropriate clinical coordinator immediately if a student is absent and has not contacted the preceptor with a reason for the absence.


  1. The clinical coordinator should contact the Office of Student Services.
  2. When the Office of Student Services receives a notice that a student is missing, the following procedure will be followed:
    1. The student's registered telephone number will be obtained from the CARS system and the student will be called. The student will also be sent a text message and email via University student email. If there is no response, the Office of Student Services will continue to call the student at regular intervals throughout the day.
    2. If the student has not returned the call within a reasonable period, the individual listed on the Emergency Contact form will be contacted. The student’s College Administration will also be contacted and if necessary, the police will be contacted for a Welfare Check.