Pandemic-Public Health Emergency

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has recommended wearing cloth face coverings in public settings when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain during public health emergencies, such as COVID-19. Midwestern University is committed to providing a safe academic environment and will follow CDC recommendations and require face coverings to be worn on the Midwestern University campuses during pandemics such as COVID-19. Under such circumstances, students will be informed through the Office of Student Services or their respective College/Program Offices about Midwestern’s current status on wearing cloth face masks and other preventative measures.

Cloth Face Covering: A cloth that fully covers the nose and mouth, which fits snugly, but comfortably against the sides of the face, is secured with ties or ear loops and must be laundered and dried regularly, depending on the frequency of use. The cloth face covering must not contain a valve.

All students will be allowed to wear a cloth face covering that they have purchased or made if the face covering is appropriate for the Midwestern University academic environment. Any face coverings that have caricatures, messages, symbols, etc. that based on societal norms that could be construed to be vulgar or offensive or contribute to creating a hostile learning/academic environment will not be allowed. Appropriateness will be determined by the supervisor in consultation with the Office of Student Services.

Students with religious, cultural, or disability-related reasons for not using a cloth face covering or face mask must contact the Office of Student Services to work through the accommodation process.

During a pandemic such as COVID-19, all students will be required to wear a cloth face covering while on Midwestern University campuses when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain or not possible. Examples of situations when social distancing may not be possible or consistently followed include, but are not limited to:

  1. When two or more persons are in a room at the same time;
  2. Cafeteria ordering/food selection or checkout lines;
  3. The University Testing Center and Library;
  4. Lecture halls, classrooms, laboratories, workshop rooms;
  5. Student 24-hour study rooms, student lounges, reception areas, computer labs;
  6. Common areas, including hallways, parking structures, building entrances, lobbies, elevators, restrooms or stairwells.


  1. If a student arrives on campus without an appropriate face covering, they will be provided with a disposable face mask for the day by Student Services. They will be reminded of the Face Covering Policy and asked to remember to bring their face covering in the future.
  2. If a student arrives on campus with a cloth face covering that is deemed inappropriate for a graduate-level academic or clinical setting, they will be provided a disposable face mask by Student Services and reminded of the policy and the need to wear an appropriate cloth face covering.
  3. Students who repeatedly forget to bring a cloth face covering will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Midwestern University Student Handbook.
  4. Students who repeatedly attempt to wear an inappropriate cloth face covering will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Midwestern University Student Handbook.
  5. Students who refuse to comply with the wearing of an appropriate cloth face covering and who have not been exempted from wearing one, will not be allowed to report to campus and will be subject to disciplinary action in accordance with the Midwestern University Student Handbook.

Students will be expected to adhere to the specific departmental policies and procedures identified when they are in specialty areas of the University, including but not limited to Midwestern University Clinics, simulation laboratories, and research areas.

The policy is effective during periods of a public health emergency as declared by the federal government and/or the State of Arizona/Illinois.