Research (Student)

Intellectual Property Ownership

This policy refers to all ideas, data, software (including source code), artworks, compositions, conceptions, and materials prepared by a student while participating in a project, for which the student is supervised by a Midwestern University faculty member(s). In this case, Midwestern University acquires complete, absolute, and world-wide ownership in all inventions made by the faculty member and student, whether patented or patentable or not, provided such invention was made:

  1. During a special research assignment given to a faculty member pursuant to a research contract of Midwestern University or otherwise; or
  2. In utilization of the facilities, equipment, funds, or other contributions of Midwestern University; and/or
  3. Provided that Midwestern University has not entered into a research grant contract with express provisions to the contrary.

In the circumstance where a student is responsible, on their own initiative, for making an invention, discovery, improvement, trade secret(s) or secret process(es) (collectively referred to as “invention,”) and which was not developed but was intellectually conceived in the course of research supported by funds or utilizing facilities administered by Midwestern University, the ownership of such invention will be as described in the Midwestern University Faculty Handbook. For a copy of the policy, please contact the Office of the appropriate Academic Dean or the Midwestern University Office of Research and Sponsored Programs.

Research Projects Conducted by Students

A student may be conducting a research project as a required or elective component of their academic program. In this case, the student is supervised by a faculty member and the student is responsible for following all the relevant policies (including, but not limited to, those of the Institutional Review Board, Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee, Biosafety Committee, and Radiation Safety Committee) and all standard operating procedures that refer to the use of any chemicals, equipment, or procedures in the laboratory of each faculty or principal investigator.