Wellness And Recreation Hall

The Wellness and Recreation Hall offers a variety of services for the faculty, staff, and students of Midwestern University.

Wellness And Recreation Hall Policies and Procedures

Membership/ Access:

  1. Individuals who are eligible to use the Wellness and Recreation Hall are currently enrolled students, administration, faculty and staff employees of the University, and Interns and Residents employed by the University. All individuals entering the facilities during regular hours must present a valid Midwestern University ID. The building is accessible by electronic ID access only.
  2. Eligible individuals are permitted to host two guests per visit only. Additional guests will be asked to leave. The guests must sign in at the reception desk, and sign a waiver form upon their first visit. The hosting member must remain with the guest at all times. Unaccompanied guests will be asked to leave the facility. Hosting members are responsible for the conduct of their guests.
    1. Eligible members may also bring their child or children. Children must be accompanied by the eligible member at all times. See Regulations #21 below for further details.
  3. The University reserves the right to temporarily or permanently revoke an individual’s eligibility to access at any time for violations of University Wellness and Recreation Hall Policy. Such decisions will be made at the discretion of the Assistant Director of Student Activities and the Dean of Students/Associate/Assistant Dean of Students.

Hours of Operation

  1. Hours of Operation will be regularly reviewed and may be adjusted depending on usage.
  2. Wellness Recreation Hall will be closed or hours shortened on University Holidays and on a temporary basis for special events. Notices of these changes will be posted and emailed in a timely manner to faculty, staff, and students.


  1. Users are responsible for knowing and following the policies of the Wellness and Recreation Hall. Ignorance of Wellness and Recreation Hall policy is not an excuse for violation. The Office of Student Activities reserves the right to deny access to or eject from the facility any individual who fails to meet all requirements and standards.
  2. All participants must present a valid ID upon entrance to the facility.
  3. Except in designated areas, food and drink are not allowed in the facility. In the workout areas, water (exclusively) in a closed container (no glass) is allowed.
  4. Tobacco use in any form, including chewing and e-cigarettes, is not allowed.
  5. Participants in all activities are expected to display sports appropriate behavior. Aggressive behavior in any form and use of profanity is strictly prohibited.
  6. Members must show the proper respect to other individuals using the facility, including student monitors and Security personnel. Violations may result in a penalty, up to and including loss of the privilege to use the facility.
  7. Drugs and alcohol are strictly prohibited.
  8. Spitting on the floor is not allowed.
  9. Chewing gum is not permitted in the facility.
  10. Bicycles, skateboards, and roller blades are prohibited inside the building.
  11. Animals are not allowed (except for designated Service Animals).
  12. The Wellness and Recreation Hall facilities cannot be used for non-affiliated MWU activities or by an individual to provide services for profit, including private instruction and personal training on the weight equipment. All activities must be approved by the Office of Student Activities.
  13. Cell phone usage is not allowed in the locker rooms.
  14. Close-toed shoes must be worn at all times. Shoes may be removed if it is appropriate to a scheduled activity, such as yoga.
  15. Athletic attire must be appropriate, non-revealing and not contain graphics that may be offensive.
  16. Flyers may not be posted without the approval of the Office of Student Activities. Posted materials must contain a stamp of approval and may only be posted on approved bulletin boards. Postings may not be adhered to doors, windows or walls.
  17. Personal belongings must be stored in a locker in the locker room. Personal items such as backpacks are not permitted in the workout area. Lockers may be rented. Check with the Wellness and Recreation Hall staff for details.
  18. Lost items will be returned to the Office of Safety and Security.
  19. Midwestern University is not responsible for the safety of personal belongings.
  20. Folding tables are not allowed to be used as therapy tables.
  21. Children and Minors
    • All children must be under direct parental supervision at all times while in the Wellness and Recreation Hall.
    • Strollers and car seats are not permitted in the workout areas.
    • Children under the age of 16 are limited to using the gym, racquetball courts, music and craft rooms. Children must be 16 or older to use the exercise/workout rooms and must be under direct supervision of their parent/guardian at all times while using these areas. Children under the age of 16 are not allowed to be in the exercise/workout rooms while their parent/guardian is working out. This is a safety hazard and no children under the age of 16 are allowed in these areas.

Workout Room Rules

  1. Paper towels and disinfectant are provided for all patrons of the Wellness and Recreation Hall. It is expected that each patron is responsible for disinfecting equipment before and after usage. If participants do not properly disinfect equipment, they will not be permitted to use the equipment.
  2. Damaged or defective equipment must be reported immediately to the Office of Student Activities.
  3. Do not monopolize equipment. Be mindful of other users.
  4. Read instructions before using equipment.
  5. Report all injuries immediately to the Recreation Monitor. If necessary, call Security at ext. 7111 (Downers Grove)/ext. 3201 (Glendale) to receive emergency assistance.
  6. Members and guests assume all risk for personal injury. Should University personnel think it necessary for an injured person to receive medical assistance, they will contact appropriate medical personnel at the injured person's own expense.

Equipment Check-out Rules

  1. Only members may check out equipment using their Midwestern University ID. Guests are not permitted to borrow equipment.
  2. Equipment may be checked out from the Recreation Monitors. Borrowers are solely responsible for any damages that occur to any equipment that is checked out on their account.
  3. Equipment in the Craft Room must also be checked out from the Recreation Monitors. Members using craft equipment must return the equipment to the appropriate storage area and clean up their work surface when they are done. The University is not responsible for providing supplies in the craft/music rooms.