Organic Solvent Policy (as it relates to laboratory sessions and organic solvents)

Before entering the anatomy laboratory, each student signs a Global Release and Waiver at matriculation, which includes an acknowledgment that the student understands the potential risks associated with exposure to organic solvents used in the anatomy laboratory.Midwestern University has developed guidelines that pertain to students taking gross anatomy, neuroscience and other lab or research-based courses in which there is preserved laboratory material, or to students who will participate in biomedical research that involves the use of organic solvents. Midwestern University strongly recommends that pregnant students inform the Chair/Course Director of laboratory-based courses using organic solvents, such as Anatomy/Neuroscience, of their pregnancy prior to the onset of the course. In addition, pregnant students engaged in laboratory research are strongly recommended to notify their faculty research advisor prior to their participation in any research project that involves the use of organic solvents. Students who suspect that they may be pregnant are highly encouraged to inform the Chair/Course Director or faculty research advisor as soon as they suspect they may be pregnant in order to receive more information about the organic solvents used in the laboratory or laboratory-based research and review possible options to the laboratory portion of a course.

Pregnant or breast-feeding students can participate in lab-based coursework or research involving organic solvents, and they are provided the option to wear recommended personal protective equipment (PPE). Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) includes a respiratory mask with cartridges (specified for organic solvents and fit-tested), forearm protectors, and any additional or alternative PPE as recommended by the Occupational Safety and Health Officer. It is also strongly advised that the student discusses the risks during pregnancy and breastfeeding with their physician. To aid in this discussion, the University will provide the student with the Material Safety Data Sheets for the organic solvents used in the laboratory setting. Pregnant or breastfeeding students also have the option to postpone participating in the course or research project until after the delivery and/or cessation of breastfeeding. In the latter case, provisions may be made for a leave of absence or an extended course of study depending on the Program/College and, when possible, the student’s preference. Lastly, a pregnant or breastfeeding student may contact Student Services to discuss applying for and receiving accommodations.