Smoking (includes Vaping)

The University recognizes the health, safety, and benefits of smoke-free air and the special responsibility that it has to maintain an optimally healthy and safe environment for its faculty, students, staff, and guests. Midwestern University is committed to the promotion of good health, wellness, and the prevention of disease and to comply with any local clean indoor air acts.Smoking on campus is restricted and is limited to designated areas on campus. Both the State of Illinois and the State of Arizona have "No Smoking" policies for any public area. In both states, smoking in a non-designated area is prohibited. Adherence to state law is mandatory. Smoking on campus is only allowed in designated on-campus smoking areas. The University forbids smokers from congregating near the entrances to campus. Every effort must be made to avoid exposure of non-smokers to second-hand smoke. Additionally, moving of smoking receptacles from their designated locations is not allowed. All public buildings within the institution are designated as smoke-free. Smoking restrictions also apply to electronic cigarettes i.e., vaping.Please contact the Office of Student Services or the Office of Safety and Security for more detailed information about where smoking is or is not permitted. Violators are subject to disciplinary action. In addition, smoking materials shall not be sold or in any other way distributed under the auspices of Midwestern University.