Alcohol Policies and Procedures

Midwestern University does not condone any form of alcohol abuse by its students. No alcohol may be manufactured, consumed, distributed, exchanged, or sold by students on Midwestern University property or in any facility affiliated with, or associated with, Midwestern University. Alcoholic beverages may be served at an on-or off-campus student organization/club, student class council, or student government association (MWU recognized student organizations) event only with the prior approval of the Dean of Students (see Alcohol Policy and Procedures for On-Campus Events below). Any student who attends class or a rotation or is on the premises of a facility affiliated with Midwestern University while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is subject to an immediate drug screen for cause, and possible disciplinary action, including suspension or dismissal.

Alcohol Policy and Procedures for Recognized MWU Student Organizations; On-Campus Events

Alcohol, in moderation, is allowed at on-campus student events only with the prior written approval of the Dean of Students. Only recognized student organizations are allowed to sponsor on-campus events with alcohol. On-campus events which are open to the community are prohibited from serving alcohol. Alcohol is not permitted at any athletic event, including intramural events. The following procedures are in force to establish criteria for the responsible use of alcohol on campus and at on-campus student events, and to minimize a student organization’s liability should a mishap occur during the event:

  1. All student organizations (represented by their president or designee) must complete and submit the Alcohol Application Form in the Office of Student Services.
  2. All forms must be filled out and returned at least 4 weeks prior to the date of the event. Failure to comply with this deadline will result in postponement of the original event date. If the event cannot be rescheduled, it will occur without alcohol.
  3. All alcohol served at this event must be purchased from a licensed vendor by the student organization. Students may not bring their own personal alcoholic beverages.
  4. All alcoholic beverages must be served by a designated licensed bartender from a vendor who holds insurance for the University. Intoxicated individuals will be refused service and will be subject to disciplinary action.
  5. Prior to approval, the student organization president (or designee) must meet with the Assistant Director of Student Activities and/or Assistant Dean of Student Activities at least 4 weeks before the event date. During the meeting, the Student Services staff member will review the event and the organization’s responsibilities including:
    • Number of people attending
    • Hours of the event (no more than 4 hours, event must end by 9:00p.m.)
    • Location (either the picnic area, Wellness/Recreation Hall, Hyde Atrium or The Commons for the Downers Grove Campus and the cafeteria, Ramada, the Cholla Multipurpose Rooms, or the Cactus Club House for the Glendale Campus. Alcohol is not permitted at any other location on either campus unless designated by the Dean of Students or the University President.
    • Amount and type of alcohol to be served (beer, wine and other approved beverages only)
    • Vendor and bartender arrangements
    • State law on alcohol consumption
    • Amount and type of food to be served
    • Amount and type of nonalcoholic beverages to be served
    • Faculty/staff advisor must be assigned and must be present for the full duration of the event
    • Limitation of service to guests and termination of alcohol service
    • Consequences for violation of policies and procedures
    • Security
    • Review of campus resources available during the event
    • Publicity
    • Guests
    • Bar location
    • Budget
  6. Student Services will have discretion to approve the type of alcoholic beverages, including the amount, and service of alcoholic beverages at the event, as well as expected attendance, time, location, and management of the event.
  7. Illinois and Arizona State Law prohibits individuals under the age of 21 from consuming or possessing alcohol. Students must be prepared to present identification to show proof of age to the bartender. It is the responsibility of the licensed bartender to assure that underage drinking does not occur. The student organization and its faculty advisors/sponsors for the event will be asked to end the event immediately if someone under the age of 21 is knowingly consuming alcohol. If the group does not comply, security will be asked to assist.
  8. Food (not snacks) and non-alcoholic beverages such as soda, coffee, punch, etc., must be available the entire time that beer and wine are being consumed.
  9. Service and consumption of alcohol are restricted to the approved area. No containers e.g., unused/partially used kegs, bottles, cans may be removed from the approved area. Unused alcohol will be dumped at the conclusion of the event. Unopened bottles of alcohol will be kept intact and returned to the place of purchase, or, with the approval of the Office of Student Services, may be saved for a later function or purchased by another student organization for use at a different function. Unopened, repurposed alcohol must be stored in a secure location on campus through the Office of Safety and Security.
  10. Admission to the event is restricted to Midwestern University students, faculty, and staff. Individual students (depending on the event) may bring a guest, however, that student is responsible for the actions of their guest. The guest must be registered with security.
  11. No alcoholic beverages may be brought to an on-campus student function. Any alcoholic beverages brought in from the outside will be immediately poured out by security, staff, faculty, or student leaders responsible for the event. Student organizations are responsible for their students’ behavior. Violation of the alcohol policy by students bringing in additional alcohol will result in suspension of alcohol privileges for the sponsoring organization for a period of one year and students involved will be subject to disciplinary action.
  12. Anyone found inducing or forcing students to drink an alcoholic beverage against their expressed desire (including "spiking" nonalcoholic beverages) or adding a controlled substance to a drink will be escorted from the student activity, will be subject to disciplinary action and will face possible legal action. Games that promote the rapid consumption of alcohol are prohibited.
  13. Anyone suspected of being intoxicated shall be denied further alcohol service and escorted to their room or sent home via a designated driver or taxi/ride share service.
  14. A faculty advisor or approved staff member must be present at the event for the entire time the event is occurring. This individual must be identified and give their consent prior to the event.
  15. Time limits will be established for each event. Events may last no longer than 4 hours and all events must end by 9:00 p.m. Alcohol service will conclude at least 1/2 hour prior to the scheduled conclusion of the event.
  16. MWU Security personnel must be present if alcohol is being served. Security personnel must remain until the close of the event, or until alcohol is no longer being consumed.
  17. The presence of alcoholic beverages shall be confined to the following campus locations only: the picnic area, Wellness/Recreation Center, Hyde Atrium or The Commons on the Downers Grove Campus; and the Cafeteria, the Ramada, the Cholla Multipurpose Rooms, the Wellness/Recreation Hall or the Cactus Club House for the Glendale Campus; or an area designated by the Dean of Students or University President.
  18. The Dean of Students, faculty advisor, security personnel, or any other professional staff member of the Office of Student Services may terminate the service of alcohol or the event for any reason.
  19. Fees will be assessed to the sponsoring organization for damages incurred.

Alcohol Policy and Procedures for Recognized MWU Student Organizations; Off-Campus Events

Any recognized MWU student organization (student organization/club, student class council, student government association) function that is funded, wholly or in part, through that recognized MWU student organization’s funds, requires University approval through the Office of Student Services. The University will not authorize the use of any MWU student organizational (student organization/club, student class council or student government association) funds for the purchase, supply, or serving of any alcoholic beverage for off-campus events, other than the cost involved for the services of a licensed bartender. The University reserves the right to decide which off-campus events will be approved based on the circumstances of the event. A designated faculty advisor must be assigned, and that faculty advisor must be present for the duration of the event.

Recognized MWU student organizations must have administrative approval through the Office of Student Services to implement an off-campus social event. Student organizations must complete all necessary paperwork prior to event approval. In addition, all participants are required to complete the Global Release and Waiver form. Failure to complete paperwork and receive authorization could result in termination of the event as an approved event of that organization. The off-campus event may not be located at an individual’s residence, but must be at a commercial establishment, which holds a valid liquor license. In addition, students must comply with all local, state and federal laws regulating consumption of liquor. No person under 21 years of age may consume alcohol. Off-campus events with alcohol may be advertised via the University e-mail system, but only with prior approval of the Office of Student Services and all e-mails must be routed through this office. The Office of Student Services reserves that right to determine which off-campus social events will be approved.

If a component of the off-campus event is on-campus and alcohol is requested, students must complete all required paperwork as stated previously for on-campus approval. Any event organized by a recognized student group or organization that violates any of the provisions of these policies will be subject to cancellation or termination.

Individual student organizations and classes may not order busses through Midwestern University when sponsoring an off-campus social event in which the primary purpose is drinking alcohol. The University Student Senate and the Student Councils/Student Government Associations/Clubs may order busses for off-campus events at which alcohol is served if the event is approved by the Academic Dean and the Dean of Students.


This policy does not include attendance at professional conferences where alcohol may be served at a conference reception as part of the conference registration fee. This policy does not apply to "approved" functions that are directly sponsored and organized by the University, including its Colleges, Academic Programs, Administration, Departments, or the Alumni Associations.