Drug-Free Workplace and Substance Abuse Policy and Procedures

A Drug-Free Workplace and Substance Abuse Policy and Procedure has been established for Midwestern University in order to appropriately serve the needs of faculty, staff, and students. This policy has been established to implement a drug-free workplace and academic environment consistent with federal and state law, including the terms and conditions whereby employees, students, volunteers, faculty, physicians, and other professionals may be disciplined for violation of these policies and tested for suspected use of an illegal drug or alcohol.

As part of the Drug-Free Workplace policy, entering students must electronically sign and submit a statement to the Office of Student Services indicating that they are drug-free and that they agree to abide by Midwestern University’s Drug-Free Workplace and Substance Abuse Policy. The signing and submitting of this statement occurs as a part of each new student’s Orientation Program the week prior to the onset of classes. In addition, the Office of Student Services emails a copy of the current Drug-Free and Substance Abuse Policy annually to all students for their review.

Midwestern University maintains a drug-free environment consistent with the principles of the Federal Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act and the Drug-Free Workplace Act. All offers of employment and enrollment of students are conditional on students abiding by Midwestern University's Drug-Free Workplace and Substance Abuse Policy.

The stated policies and procedures apply to all students at Midwestern University on campus, or at all facilities operated by the affiliated entities. The stated policies and procedures also apply to any student who is enrolled at another academic institution but rotating in a clinical service on the premises of a facility operated by MWU. The University reserves the right to evaluate any student if there is reasonable cause to suspect that they are abusing or are under the influence of alcohol or illegal drugs/substances. A student is considered under the influence when their ability to perform usual tasks is diminished or impaired due to the apparent use of an illegal drug/substance, alcohol, or a combination thereof. Any student who attends a class or a clinical rotation under the influence of alcohol or who is suspected of abusing drugs will be required to undergo an immediate drug and/or alcohol screening in accordance with this policy. While the costs of these initial drug screenings are typically the responsibility of the appropriate college or the Office of the Dean of Students, transportation to an emergency room for those students who are exhibiting signs of physical/mental impairment will be the responsibility of the student.

If a student is found to have a positive drug screen and they are taking prescription drugs, they will be asked to provide documentation to both the University and/or the Medical Review Officer in the form of either a physician’s or pharmacist’s name and phone number where they can be contacted for verification. If, however, the student is found to have a positive drug screen without documentation of a legitimate prescription, they will be subjected to disciplinary action, which may include immediate suspension and/or medical leave. Although extreme cases may result in expulsion, it is the intention of Midwestern University to assist students with chemical dependencies by helping the student receive the appropriate counseling and treatment for their dependency (see the following section).

Counseling for Chemical Dependency

The Office of Student Services has developed procedures to assist students and ensure appropriate care for any student who is impaired due to alcohol and/or drug dependency and abuse. Students who are chemical dependent can approach key personnel on campus to get assistance with their dependency and feel confident that the information they provide will remain confidential to only those individuals who need to be involved. Such personnel on campus may include program directors, faculty advisors, student counselors, college administrators, and the Dean of Students. The Academic Dean and Dean of Students are the primary individuals who will work with the student to ensure appropriate care. Clinical preceptors and/or Clinical Coordinators may also need to be notified, depending on circumstances. Midwestern University cannot guarantee clinical rotations for students with chemical dependency issues. All costs involved with counseling/treatment programs for chemical dependency are the responsibility of the student.


  1. If a student that is on campus or at a rotation site displays behavior that is indicative of substance or alcohol abuse, the Office of Student Services should be contacted. The reporting faculty member, staff member or preceptor should provide written documentation of the incidents which led to the initiation of the report. Per University policy, the student may be subjected to an immediate drug screen at a facility designated by the Office of Student Services on each campus. The student must sign a waiver permitting the release of the results of any drug/alcohol screen to the University. Refusal to sign the waiver will be considered as admission of a positive test. A diluted specimen result is also considered a positive test and an immediate retest will be required.
  2. If a student that is on campus or at a rotation site appears to be intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, the Office of Student Services should be contacted. The student should not be allowed to leave the premises. The Office of Student Services or the preceptor should call emergency services immediately at 911 to have the student taken to the closest emergency room. The student must sign a waiver permitting the release of the results of any drug/alcohol screen to the University. Refusal to sign the waiver will be considered as admission of a positive test.

If a student is determined to have a positive drug screen as part of the requirements for a rotation, or in response to a drug screen that was administered because of reasonable cause, as stated above and in accordance to the above stated Drug-Free Workplace and Substance Abuse Policy, the procedure will be as follows.

  1. The student will be placed on leave or suspended until they have successfully completed a chemical dependency evaluation from a provider approved by the University. The University is responsible for the cost of the chemical dependency evaluation. If the student is determined to have a chemical dependency, the student must complete a chemical dependency rehabilitation program that follows the recommendations in the evaluation. The cost of such a chemical dependency program is the responsibility of the student. In order for the student to return to classes/clinical rotations, the student will be required to develop a contractual arrangement with the chemical dependency rehabilitation program that includes random drug screens, and which allows for open communication with appropriate MWU administration. The student must submit a copy of the contractual arrangement as well as a letter from the chemical dependency program stating that the student is fit to return to full-time student status. Failure to comply with the stipulations of the chemical dependency program or failure to remain drug free will result in immediate suspension and possible dismissal. The University also reserves the right to discipline the student for violations of its drug free workplace policy in accordance with the Student Handbook.
  2. If it is determined that the student does not have a chemical dependency, but has violated the University's drug free policy, then the University reserves the right to randomly drug screen the student through the remainder of the student's tenure with MWU, at the student's expense, to verify that the student is abiding by University policy. The University also reserves the right to discipline the student for violations of its drug free workplace policy in accordance with the Student Handbook.

Date Rape Drugs Zero-Tolerance Policy

The University adopts a “zero-tolerance” policy toward possession, use, distribution, or sale within the University community of date rape drugs including GHB, Rohypnol, ketamine, or any similar illegal drugs that can be given to a student without their knowledge. This policy is in effect for all members of the campus community and extends to residence life and on-and off-campus University and student organization events.

Students who are charged with possession, use, distribution, or sale of date rape drugs are in violation of the University’s “Code of Responsibilities of the Students of Midwestern University” as stated in Appendix 1 and of the University’s “Bylaws and Regulations of the Code of Responsibilities and Rights of the Students of Midwestern University” stated in Appendix 2 of this handbook. Students can be disciplined under the judicial proceedings stated in Appendix 2, Section 2 of the Student Judicial System. Students may be prosecuted under Illinois or Arizona criminal statutes.