Student Services

The mission of the Office of Student Services is to offer a broad range of services in the arena outside the formal boundaries of the classroom that support, enhance, nurture, and promote the growth and development of Midwestern University students by contributing to their cultural,social, intellectual, physical, and emotional wellbeing. It is within the mission of Student Services to promote awareness, understanding, and acceptance of all individuals in a diverse world society and to promote a sense of respect, appreciation, and community between the colleges that can be carried on throughout students’ professional lives.

The Office of Student Services on the Downers Grove campus is composed of the Offices of the Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students, Associate Dean, Assistant Dean of Student Activities, Manager of Residence Life, the Wellness/Recreation Hall, Compliance, and the Student Counseling and Academic Support Center. The Office of Student Services is located on the upper floor of The Commons.

The Office of Student Services on the Glendale campus is composed of the Offices of the Dean of Students, Associate Dean of Students, Assistant Dean of Student Activities, Manager of Residence Life, the Wellness/Recreation Hall, Compliance, and the Student Counseling and Academic Support Center. The Office of Student Services is located in Barrel III.

Each of these Offices coordinates a variety of student support service functions within the University. The Office of Student Services supports all colleges.

Student Services interacts with students to develop and offer support programs and services that enrich students’ experiences on campus. Examples of these programs include: MWU Student Government, MWU Peer Tutoring Program, student social and recreational activities, orientation, stress and time management seminars, multicultural and diversity programming, crisis intervention, interpersonal counseling, intramural sports and non-athletic recreation, and other developmental activities. The Office of Student Services has an open-door policy and is available to students on a continuing basis offering support, advice, and the encouragement needed to meet student concerns and challenges.

On-Campus Student Events

All student groups (organizations, classes, individuals, etc.) seeking to have an on-campus student event including lectures, speaker visits, and workshops must have prior approval of the Office of Student Activities, who will advise the student organizer of the necessary steps to follow in order to schedule the event. Certain types of events will also require the approval of the Dean of Students, the respective Academic Dean, and University Administration.

Approval of the Office of Student Activities and completion of all paperwork for events should occur no later than four weeks prior to the event to ensure adequate service. Students who are planning a large event such as a picnic or dance must have all online requests completed (including room reservations and technology) prior to a six week minimum and as soon as possible prior to the event.

Once approval has been obtained for the on-campus student event, the Office of Student Activities will coordinate the scheduling of the event by contacting Campus Facilities, Media Resources/Information Technology Services, and Safety and Security. In the event of inclement weather, events may be moved to another approved on-campus location. Any event sponsored by student groups (organizations, classes, etc.) that violates any of the provisions of the policy on-campus student events will be subject to cancellation or termination. All forms of campus advertisement need to be approved by the Office of the Dean of Students. Advertisements that will be sent to the external community must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Students and also approved by University Relations. (see University Representation).

Student Organizations are not allowed to host events during final exam weeks or break periods, except for graduation-related events. In addition, for the spring quarter, events are prohibited starting finals week and through the end of May, except for orientation/graduation related events.

Students may use their student organizational/club/class council funds to offset the cost of an on-campus event, including the cost of alcohol, as long as the event has met the requirements for student organizations/clubs/class councils through the Office of Student Activities and the University Alcohol Policy.

Off-Campus Student Events

It is mandatory that students and student groups (organizations, classes, individuals, etc.) looking to initiate and organize off-campus events in which they will represent the University meet with a representative of the Office of Student Services in addition to the appropriate college official or faculty advisor at least four weeks in advance of the event date to ensure consistency with college and University policies. Any off-campus event that occurs during class time or necessitates a student missing an exam or mandatory class time must be approved by their respective Academic Dean through the filing of an Absence Request Form. All advertisements for off-campus events must be approved by the Office of the Dean of Students and possibly also University Relations. (see University Representation). All student groups sponsoring events off-campus must complete all necessary University forms. Any University services that are required for the off-campus event (Media Resources, University equipment, etc.) must be coordinated through the Office of Student Activities.

Students may use their student organizational/club/class council funds to offset the cost of an off-campus event, excluding the cost of alcohol, as long as the event has met the requirements for student organizations/clubs/class councils through the Office of Student Activities. If a cash bar is being arranged, the event must also meet the requirements of the University Alcohol Policy (see Alcohol Policies and Procedures for Off-Campus Events).

Alcohol Policy for Off-Campus Events

(See Alcohol Policies & Procedures for Off-Campus Events)

Student Government

Student government, at all levels, including the Student Senate, provides a forum for discussing and making recommendations to the Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Deans for resolving student concerns, initiating recognition of new student organizations, and conducting reviews of existing student organizations. Student government functions at two levels: (1) the University and (2) the college. The following is a brief description of how student government functions at both levels. Note: The Dean of Students (and Student Activities staff), along with each representative Academic Dean (Deans Office), has jurisdiction over student governing bodies and assists with their parliamentary procedures.

University Level

All students ateach campus are represented through a campus-wide Student Senate. Each campus Student Senate is required to develop and publish bylaws that describe: (1) name of the senate; (2) purpose; (3) objectives of the senate; (4) operations and relationship with the college student councils/student government associations; (5) membership and procedures for the election of officers/representatives and their terms of offices; (6) duties of student senate members; (7) meeting schedules; (8) parliamentary procedure; (9) procedure considerations (quorums, role of individuals class officers, etc.); and (10) adoption and amendment procedures.

Glendale Campus

The University Student Senate on the Glendale campus is composed of forty-one (41) voting members. Five members represent AZCOM, five represent AZCOPT, five represent CDM, eight represent CHS, five represent CPG, five represent CVM, five represent AZCPM, and three represent the CGS. The roles of Speaker of the Student Senate, Vice-Speaker/Secretary, and Treasurer rotate among the seven SGA Presidents from the University colleges. The presiding University Student Senate Speaker or presiding officer will vote only in the case of a tie. The Vice-Speaker/Secretary and Treasurer shall not vote unless they are presiding. Meeting quarterly, the Student Senate provides a mechanism for governance of campus-wide activities and functions.

Downers Grove Campus

The University Student Senate on the Downers Grove campus is composed of twenty-three (23) voting members, representing each college and program. The executive board of the Senate consists of the Speaker, Vice-Speaker, Treasurer and Secretary. Meeting every month, the Student Senate provides a mechanism for governance of campus-wide activities and functions. The presiding University Student Senate Speaker or presiding officer will vote only in the case of a tie. The Vice-Speaker, Treasurer, and Secretary shall not vote unless they are presiding. Monthly meetings shall be scheduled by the Speaker at times convenient to all participants.

College Level

Individual college Student Councils/Student Government Associations function to provide governance for student issues related to the individual colleges, as well as conducting all class and college-wide elections. College Student Councils/Student Government Associations are encouraged to adopt bylaws that are consistent with the bylaws of the other College Student Councils/Student Government Associations. Individual College Student Councils/Student Government Associations are required to develop and publish bylaws that describe: (1) name of the student council; (2) purpose; (3) objectives of the council; (4) operation and relationship with other college Student Councils/Student Government Associations/Student Senate; (5) membership and procedures for the election of officers/representatives and their terms of offices;(6) duties of student council members; (7) meeting schedules; (8) parliamentary procedure; (9) procedure considerations (quorums, role of individual class officers, etc.); and (10) adoption and amendment procedures.

Student Elections

Elections are held under the supervision of the individual college Student Councils/Student Government Associations or Student Senate. Copies of college election codes can be found in the Office of Student Services. Please note Section One, “Representation in Midwestern University Affairs,” in the Bylaws and Regulations of the Responsibilities and Rights of Midwestern University Students (see Student Handbook Appendix 2) for eligibility of students serving as elected officers. Students running for or holding any elected or appointed office representing their class, organization, college, or the University must be in good academic and professional standing and remain in good standing while holding any office. Students on academic warning, academic probation, disciplinary warning, disciplinary probation or Leave of Absence for longer than one month must relinquish their elected office. Students on warnings or probations may choose to petition the Dean of Students along with their respective Academic Dean in order to request an exemption to this policy. Students seeking such an exemption need to submit a formal written explanation to the Dean of Students and their respective Academic Dean as to why they should be exempted from this policy and how they will maintain the necessary academic requirements of their program while performing their duties as an officer of their class or particular student organization/club.

Student Organizations

To ensure that student clubs/organizations seeking recognition meet the high standards of MWU and its student population, the Student Senate and/or appropriate Student Council/Student Government Association shall recommend the petitioning organization for approval to the Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Dean(s). The recommendation needs to be based on whether the petitioning organization has met the necessary requirements to be a club/organization (see Recognition of Organizations below). The Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Dean(s) shall have the authority to determine the final status of the petitioning organization.

Organizations are categorized as:

  1. Executive Council
    • Established by College
    • Allowed same privileges as Recognized – Independent Organizations
    • No requirements to maintain active status
    • Have an educational focus and not a political or activist focus, not including professional advocacy
  2. Class Council
    • Established by College Council/Student Government Association
    • Allowed same privileges as Recognized – Independent Organizations.
    • No requirements to maintain active status
    • Have an educational focus and not a political or activist focus, not including professional advocacy
  3. Recognized (Clubs and other student organizations)
    • Allowed to reserve on campus spaces/host community-based events
    • Allowed to fundraise
    • Must meet minimum standards on an annual basis as set forth by the Student Senate and/or the appropriate Student Council/Student Government Association
    • Provided a campus account code
    • Contract/licensing agreements, particularly related to nationally based clubs or organizations, cannot be signed by a student and must be approved by the corresponding Academic Dean and the Dean of Students
    • Have an educational focus and not a political or activist focus, not including professional advocacy
    • Must meet the following requirements, annually:
      • Host one event per quarter (excluding the summer quarter) that meets the goals set forth in their charter and/or benefits their membership
      • Should host or participate in one to two service projects per year
      • Submit an annual report of their activities to the Office of Student Activities
  4. Special Interest Groups (SIG)
    • Defined as professional specialty-focused student groups, whose focus/charter is aligned with another recognized organization on campus
      • Will follow process for organization recognition detailed previously
    • SIG can petition to Student Senate/College Council to become an independent Recognized Student Organization after a minimum of three years as a SIG
      • Exists as a sub-set of existing organization (referred to as parent organization)
    • Membership in SIG may require membership with parent organization as well
      • Retains a pulse page and on campus account
    • On campus account will be administered by parent organization
      • Must have at least two student leaders responsible for any activities sponsored by SIG
    • Student leaders can be appointed or elected
      • To continue to be an active special interest group, the SIG must host one event per year (independent of their parent organization) that meets the goals set forth in their charter.
    • Parent organization will submit names of leaders and activities of SIG with their annual report
  5. Affiliate Organizations
    • Student run clinics, approved by Student Senate/College Councils
    • Have a pulse page and on campus account, if needed
    • Allowed to host fundraisers
    • No minimum activity requirements
    • Must report changes in leadership to Student Activities

Student organization, club and class accounts are maintained on campus in the Office of Business Services unless said groups can provide documentation of requirement of an independent account from the respective national organization.

Renewal of Recognition

Each student club/organization is required to annually provide to the Office of Student Activities a listing of the student club/organization activities and services for the prior twelve months that are consistent with their charter/goals.

A student organization whose activities have been consistent with its charter and have resulted in progress toward achieving its goals shall be approved and recognized for the following year.

A student organization whose activities have been substantively inconsistent with its charter or have failed to lead to progress toward its goals shall be placed on a probationary status through the Office of Student Activities for a period of one year to rectify any deficiencies. Continued failure of a student organization while on the year-long probationary period will result in the club/organization losing its status as a recognized club/organization and will be considered dissolved (inactive), with any remaining funds in their accounts being returned to the appropriate Student Council/Student Government Association. Any leftover funds will be allocated to remaining class councils, clubs or organizations as deemed appropriate by the appropriate Student Council/Student Government Association.

Recognition of Organizations


  1. The students and faculty advisors seeking club/organization recognition must complete a petition of recognition. Organization petitions for recognition will be heard only at the August/September or the March/April meetings of Student Senate and the College Councils, as determined by the respective councils.
  2. Students in the clinical portion of their academic programs are prohibited from petitioning to start a new club/organization. Exceptions to this rule may be made on a case-by-case basis.
  3. The petition must include the club’s/organization’s goals (letter of intent), proposed charter (constitution/bylaws), MWU faculty advisor, and list of at least 15 charter members (including officers). For campus-wide organizations, the 15 charter members must represent at least 2 academic colleges.
  4. Before requesting approval from the appropriate Student Senate/Student Government Association, the petitioning club/organization must schedule a meeting with the Office of Student Activities to review their documents at least one week before being scheduled to present at their respective Student Senate/Student Government Association meeting. All necessary and signed documents must be completed and approved by the Office of Student Activities prior to the time of the appropriate Student Senate/Student Government Association meeting.
  5. A petitioning club/organization must have met all of the requirements, as stated above through the Office of Student Activities, before submitting their application to the appropriate Student Government Association. The appropriate Student Government Association will review the petition for completeness (Student Senate for campus-wide organizations).
  6. The appropriate Student Senate/Student Government Association has the authority to recommend to the Dean of Students and the respective Academic Dean(s) that the organization be approved or approved with additional conditions (for example: additional advisor if the petitioning club/organization is rather large, participation in a particular event such as community service events that overlap with other clubs, or other additional conditions that may be warranted based on the size or scope of the petitioning club/organization in terms of monetary needs or logistical needs, such that might involve space constraints and faculty supervisory needs), or denied because the club/organization’s scope of practice may be too duplicative with that of an existing student club/organization. In the case that an organization is not approved, the appropriate Student Senate/Student Government Association will notify the petitioners and Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Dean(s) of their decision. A majority vote of Student Senate/Student Government Association members shall determine the recommendation for the applicant group.
  7. If the recommendation is for denial, a petitioning club/organization may re-petition the Office of Student Activities after making any necessary adjustments or directly appealing to the Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Dean for reconsideration, who have the final authority for granting recognition or approval.
  8. The Office of Student Activities will review annually any organization’s status as described above.
  9. A student club/organization may appeal a probationary status to the Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Dean(s). In addition, a Student Senate/Student Government Association may also submit an appeal regarding a change in status for one of their student clubs/organizations to the Dean of Students and the appropriate Academic Dean(s).

Glendale Campus

A current list of clubs and organizations can be found at:

Or on MWU Connect:

Downers Grove Campus

A current list of clubs and organizations can be found at:

Or on MWU Pulse: